Money Magic Meeting + Lecture (Fenik)

IBM and SAM Meeting Location
Denny’s (north of Thomas)
3315 N Scottsdale Rd
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
IBM Meeting: Money Magic, September 13
Our first meeting of September is on Wednesday, Sep 13th. IBM 55 has its monthly meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. 6pm for social hour and dinner. 7pm the meeting begins. At Denny’s in Scottsdale (address above).
This month’s theme is money magic! Anything with coins or bills. (You can perform anything, though.)
SAM Meeting (co-sponsored by IBM): Live Lecture: Fenik, September 19
SAM 248 and IBM 55 are co-sponsoring an in-person lecture on Tuesday, September 19th. This is the usual meeting date for SAM meetings now. The 3rd Tuesday of each month. At the same Denny’s (address above). 6pm for social hour and dinner hour. 7pm the lecture begins… We are having Fenik!
Fenik has performed for 33 years at The Magic Castle. He was a student of Larry Jennings, Michael Skinner, and Baltazar Fuentes. Fenik is the author of the best selling magic book THE CODE. He invented one of the best-selling packet tricks, THE MEXICAN REVOLUTION. He has lectured in Madrid, Paris, Amsterdam, the Magic Circle of London, Rome, and 23 more cities in Europe. He appeared on the cover of Genii Magazine in September 2022.
Fenik has also performed for five years doing closeup magic at Caesar Palace of Las Vegas.
Lecture content:
- He will be teaching close up original magic from his professional repertoire.
- New moves, new sleights and new concepts on card and coin magic.
- He will speak about the most powerful weapon in magic: suggestion and its techniques.
- He will also speak about the importance of classifying the tools of magic and how to use them.
Hope to see you at the lecture!