Letter From the President

Burt Easley/Danny Dew Ring

Letter From the President

July 25, 2021 Ring 55 Club News & Events 0

Dear all of you, 
Hope this message finds you doing well. Sending this message finally as I havent really done a good job of that in my going on 4 years as president of IBM Ring 55 and I am sorry for that. This is my first year as president of SAM #248 as well so I’m working to get everything organized. 
I think I have most of the IBM members list on this email. If you are receiving this message in error please let me know and I’ll have you removed from this email list. If you’re receiving this message it’s because at one point you either were or still are a member of the Phoenix Arizona magic club known as The International Brotherhood Of Magicians “IBM” Ring 55 The Bert Easley/Danny Dew Ring. The oldest magic club in AZ! 
We are still around and going on, just all digital for now. Our club co-sponsors a lecture on Zoom each month the last Monday of each month. You can go to Zoom.com to download the app/program onto your phone/laptop/tablet etc. For free. If you havent done so yet. Once you have done that you can more easily join in our meetings but it isnt necessary. As long as you have an internet connection you can just put in this web link to join us: 

It will always be at that link. The last Monday of each month social hour beginning at 6pm and if we have a lecture it will begin at 7pm. You do not need a webcam or a microphone unless you wish to interact. 
You can also join our weekly magic jam known as Thirsty Thursdays at 3pm. Every Thursday at 3pm all MST/AZ. These meetings are free and sponsored by IBM ring 55 and SAM assembly 248. We have Curtis Kam and Earl Nelson and many others join us each week. Its alot of fun and helps get you comfortable using zoom. 
If you need any help getting into our digital room feel free to get in touch with me. 
These meetings are co-sponsored with our other Phoenix AZ magic club the Society of American Magicians “SAM” Assembly #248
Join us tomorrow to discuss both the clubs, what’s new, what’s coming, and what we need to continue moving forward safely and carefully amidst this ongoing pandemic we all find ourselves enduring together. 
If you have paid your dues for the year thank you! If you havent, you can pay your dues to our treasurer for both clubs. Dues are now $50 for the year to join just IBM 55 or $80 if you join or rejoin both IBM 55 and SAM 248. You can contact Doug Northway for that whose email is in the CC of this email. Joining IBM 55 gets you access to our lectures each month that happen the last Monday of each month on zoom. Please also join or rejoin National IBM if you havent done so yet. Thank you all. 
We will meet again in person soon. I need some help with the clubs to keep them going though. This will all be discussed at tomorrow’s meeting. Hope to see you all there. Thank you for your support of IBM ring 55! Let me know how I can be of assistance to any of you. Thank you for your time, attention and support! 
Wishing you all magic, health and happiness, ~Robert Ray IBM Ring 55 President SAM Assembly #248 President 

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