November Club News

Burt Easley/Danny Dew Ring

November Club News

November 16, 2022 Ring 55 Club News & Events 0

International Brotherhood of Magicians Ring 55

Bert Easley / Danny Dew Ring

Club News

The Next Meeting (New Location!!!)

Hope you all had a good Halloween! We are going to be meeting in a new location now. A different Denny’s… on Scottsdale Road a bit north of Thomas. The address is:

3315 N Scottsdale Rd
Scottsdale, AZ 85251

The next meeting is this Wednesday the 16th at 6pm. This month’s theme is Show and Tell, so…

  • Bring a trick to show and perhaps teach as well.
  • Or just perform.
  • Or bring a fun magic story, prop or book to share.

You don’t have to bring anything to be there. But if you wish to do so it could be fun.

(Please buy at least a drink, as we have a $50 minimum purchase to secure their back room at this new Denny’s — which beats the price we had to guarantee at the other one!)

Your President,

~Robert Ray
Feel free to call or text me anytime

Sent by Jay Jennings IBM Ring 55 Secretary

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