Month: November 2022

Burt Easley/Danny Dew Ring

Amazon Find Vintage News Photo

Every once in a while, I will google my own name to catch up on new websites, and blogs that mention my name as I am quoted alot. Last week, I found a search link with my name and my sisters name. I followed the link and found myself looking at a Amazon listing for…
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November 17, 2022 0

Christmas Banquet

Christmas BanquetMore info later, but December 5th at 6pm will be our annual banquet, so mark that on your calendar now to save the date. Location to be announced!Hope to see you all at one of our upcoming in-person or virtual events. Your President,~Robert Ray480-341-3590Feel free to call or text me anytime

November 16, 2022 0

Adam Elbaum Zoom Lecture

Online Lecture On Monday November 28th at 7pm we have Adam Elbaum lecturing on Zoom for us! Social hour begins at 6pm. This will be a fantastic lecture and I’m very much looking forward to it! He has great teachings and tips with Invisible thread that you’ll want to check out. He’s also a fantastic close up magician. Here is the…
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November 16, 2022 0

Singletons Charity Magic Show

Singletons Charity Magic Show This isn’t a club-sponsored event, but one we encourage club members to support. Tank Hanna and John Fitzsimmons (along with a special performance by Kenton Knepper) present an afternoon of astonishment, awe and mystery at a magic show for kids and adults benefiting The Singletons, a nonprofit supporting single-parent families battling…
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November 16, 2022 0

November Club News

International Brotherhood of Magicians Ring 55 Bert Easley / Danny Dew Ring Club News The Next Meeting (New Location!!!) Hope you all had a good Halloween! We are going to be meeting in a new location now. A different Denny’s… on Scottsdale Road a bit north of Thomas. The address is: Denny’s 3315 N Scottsdale Rd Scottsdale,…
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November 16, 2022 0

Wizard Magic Shop offers Free Magic Shows

Wizard Magic Shop now has free magic shows most Saturdays at 5pm. Main act is comedy/magician Leigh Hotz who is assisted by Merlynn The Magic Cockatiel. Leigh is now offering opportunities to Any Ring 55 member who like to perform as a special guest act can contact leigh at the magic shop for available time…
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November 6, 2022 0